Back in Black (and white)

Sì, lo ammetto, sono stata assente per un bel po’ e senza giustificazioni. Mi scuso con mamma, che mi segue da casa, e i tre amici che sanno che tengo questo blog. Dopo questa breve introduzione, eccoci alle cose interessanti: biscotti.
Ho trovato sul sito di Barbara, ossia My Italian Smorgasbord, una ricetta ottima per rifare a casa i famosi Abbracci, però sapendo cosa ci si sta mettendo dentro. Buoni e sani, come direbbe nonna.
Ma arriviamo al punto: qui di seguito la ricetta illustrata…godetevela!
english text
I have to admit I’ve been away for quite a long time, without any excuse. Sorry mom, and sorry to the other few friends who are following me / who know I am keeping this blog. After this short introduction, here we are to the interesting things: biscuits.
I found on Barbara’s blog, aka My Italian Smorgasbord, a recipe for some well-known biscuits of Italy: Abbracci (which means hugs). They are made of half chocolate and half vanilla dough, and taste awesome for breakfast, with milk or tea. here you are the recipe:
Abbracci cookies
vanilla dough:
- 250 g (2 and 1/4 cups) all-purpose flour
- 120 g (1/2 cup) caster sugar
- 95 g (3.4 oz) softened butter
- 1 egg, 3 table-spoon double cream
- 1 table-spoon honey
- 1 and 1/2 tea-spoon baking powder
- few drops vanilla extract
- a pinch of salt.
chocolate dough:
- 250 g (2 and 1/4 cups) all-purpose flour
- 120 (1/2 cup) caster sugar
- 100 g (3.5 oz) softened butter
- 1 egg, 30 g (1/4 cup) cocoa powder
- 40 g (3 table-spoon) milk
- 1 and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- few drops vanilla extract
- a pinch of salt
For each of the two doughs separately, mix the ingredients together and shape into small balls. Take a ball of each dough and shape into long and thin cylinders. Cut about 7 cm (2.5 inches) long pieces from each cylinder and put one over the other, forming a black and white closed circle. Place the circles over a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake for 11-13 minutes at 180 degrees (Celsius, 356 Fahrenheit).
These cookies are good and healthy, just as grandma made them. Thank you, Barbara!