cavoli a merenda

Da questa settimana ho iniziato una collaborazione interessante con la conca d’oro, una fattoria sociale sita sulle colline di Bassano del Grappa, dove abito io. I ragazzi di questa cooperativa coltivano nel rispetto dell’agricoltura biologica, e mi hanno chiesto di disegnare alcune ricette utilizzando la frutta e la verdura di stagione che loro producono in questo periodo. Tra le varie prelibatezze autunnali (rape rosse, zucca, broccolo verde, kiwi, limoni, arance…) ho scelto il broccolo romanesco, sia per il gusto delicato che per le forme curiose.
Di solito lo cucino con la pasta (acciughe, pinoli, uvetta, romanesco…et voilà!) ma questa volta ho voluto impegnarmi un po’ di più e farne una torta salata per cena. È stata molto apprezzata, è una preparazione veloce e semplice ma di grande effetto!
english text
This week I’ve started an interesting collaboration with conca d’oro, a social farm located on the hills of Bassano del Grappa, where I live. The guys of this cooperative cultivate the soil following the principles of organic agriculture, and asked me to illustrate some recipes using seasonal fruit and vegetables they are producing. Among all their different fall delicacies (such as beets, pumpkin, broccoli, kiwi, lemons, oranges) I choose romanesco, for its delicate taste and curious shapes. I usually cook it with pasta (anchovies, pine nuts, raisins, romanesco…et voilà!) but this time I wanted to apply myself a little more, baking a savory pie for dinner. It was a success, it is a very easy and quick recipe but has very impressive results!
Romanesco savory pie
For the crust (pâte brisée):
- 200g flour
- 80 g butter
- 1/ glass water
- 1 pinch of salt
For the filling:
- 1 romanesco
- 200 g stracchino or soft cheese
- 1 egg
- 2-3 anchovies
- 1 garlic clove
- salt, pepper, olive oil
First of all, let’s make the dough. sift the flour and chop the butter into small chunks, then knead with your finger adding water (it doesn’t always take all the water, just use it until the dough is soft and smooth). Knead on a wooden surface for 10-15 minutes and then set aside in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Chop the romanesco, discarding leaves and the white stiff parts, then cook it in boiling water for 20 minutes (in microwave or pressure cooker it takes just 10 minutes). In a pan, heat some olive oil and put the garlic clove. Cook for a minute, then pour in the anchovies, cook for another two minutes and add the romanesco. Add salt and pepper, then cook for 5-10 minutes.
In a bowl, whisk cheese and the egg, then add the cooked romanesco (let it cool before adding it to the cheese mixture). Line a cake pan with 3/4 of the dough, then pour in the filling and cover with dough stripes such as in the picture. Cook the pie for 45-65 minutes at 180°C, until golden (check the bottom: it has to be well cooked!). Let it cool before serving.