
A volte ritornano, e io pure ci provo.
Vorrei ricominciare dopo un’estate burrascosa e vacanziera, e iniziare con un appuntamento ricorrente (diciamo settimanale?) con le mie ricette. Inizio questo lunedì sperando di mantenere il ritmo, vedremo che si può fare!
Oggi parto con una ricetta che ho sperimentato lontano da qui, cucinata da altri. Per l’esattezza, è un piatto tipico ligure che ho mangiato in un posto speciale nella cittadina di Dolceacqua (che dovreste, dovreste visitare!).
Non sono riuscita ad ottenere lo stesso piatto che ho assaporato in quel piccolo angolo di mondo, ma di sicuro ogni volta che lo preparerò mi tornerà addosso la sensazione di calore familiare, di vacanza rilassata.
E qui sopra la ricetta!
english text
Sometimes they come back, and I am trying, too.
I would like to restart after a long holiday summer, and to begin with a new appointment (a weekly date?) with you and my recipes. I start this monday, hoping that I will hold on with the rhythm! I hope so.
I am starting today with a recipe that I tasted far away from home, a recipe that someone else cooked for me. To be exact, it is a typical Ligurian dish that I have eaten at a special place, in a small town called Dolceacqua (that you should visit, yes you should!). I haven’t been able to cook it exactly as they served it there, and my version tasted a little different, but I am sure that every time I will cook this recipe I will go back to a lovely sensation of familiar warmth, and holiday relax.
Here it is – the recipe!
Tortino ai funghi
- 600 g potatoes
- 400 g champignon mushrooms
- 25 g dried mushrooms (porcini will work fine)
- 1 clove of garlic
- 2 tsp parsley, chopped
- butter
- olive oil, salt and pepper
Let the dried porcini soak for 30 minutes, then rinse and drip-dry. Keep the water in which you soaked them and filter it in a saucepan. Add the (rinsed) dried porcini, a teaspoon of butter and cook over low heat for half an hour. Meanwhile, slice the potatoes (after you have rinsed them all) and the champignons.
In a buttered oven pan, arrange the sliced potatoes and the champignons layering them with the mushroom cream, and adding some minced garlic and parsley.
Sprinkle with olive oil and put in the oven; it should cook for 30 minutes at 200°C.
Serve hot, sprinkled with pepper and parmesan.
P.s. I’ve been very lucky, and I have tasted it after ligurian pesto tagliolini and frisceu di baccalà (ligurian codfish fritters). I highly recommend the combination!